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// Why ?

I have pondered for a long time whether I should write my thoughts on AI in recent months.

Despite my many years of interest in the field, born, I confess, from my love of science fiction and computer science, I am not the director of any research center, and as much as I have and still work very close to the software world I have never developed AI from scratch. But I have been using it both consciously and unconsciously every day for quite some time also to produce software solutions together with teams of people, fortunately, better than me.

However, I felt a few years ago the need to write GLIMPSE, a novel about AI set in Italy, because already in 2018-2019 I was dealing with NLP (Natural Language Processing) also using the first rudiments provided by OpenAI and it was evident even then that it was close to the time when Generative AI would become mainstream. And in talking to the people I was seeing I had felt the need to explain to them what it was all about in the simplest way possible.

Although I am writing the sequel to Glimpse, I have been asked from many fronts to explain the ChatGPT phenomenon, to reason about what is happening in the AI world, and to let the uninitiated know more about it.

Aware then of all my limitations, including my literary ones, I started this blog with the humble purpose of bringing my independent view (I do not need to take sides for one technology over another, I do not want to convince anyone) hoping that it will spark some good reasoning in those who will have the great patience to read.



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